Equipping the Church
Redeemed Seasons Ministries offers a wide variety of training and support services designed to equip pastors, ministry leaders, small group leaders, and church bodies to lovingly and compassionately support and disciple Christian men and women who struggle with sexual and relational brokenness.
"In the Trenches - Caring Well for a Hurting World."
Redeemed Seasons' day-long cornerstone equipping workshop
"In the Trenches - Caring Well for a Hurting World."
Redeemed Seasons' day-long cornerstone equipping workshop
Many pastors and lay ministry leaders acknowledge that their own limited life experiences leave them poorly equipped to understand and identify with persons who struggle with relational and sexual brokenness. Sexual addiction, pornography, promiscuity, divorce, same sex attraction - of these things many in ministry have little experience.
To address this, Redeemed Seasons has developed "In the Trenches - Caring Well for a Hurting World," an engaging and interactive workshop.
Definitions and Assumptions
Important Terminology
Basic Theology of Relationships and Sexuality
The Genesis of Brokenness
Unmet Needs and Relational Deficits
Impacts of Trauma on the Mind, Heart and Spirit
Wounding and Behavior
Ministering in the Trenches
How Healing Happens
A Model for Healing Prayer
Obstacles to Care and Healing
Wounded Healers
Triggers for our Brokenness and Prejudices
Important Boundaries
Navigating Treacherous Waters: Caring for those who struggle with sexually explicit media.
We offer a 3-part teaching series on supporting and caring for individuals who struggle with or are addicted to sexually explicit media (SEM). This program is offered specifically to help equip parents, spouses, siblings, or friends who are called to walk alongside men and women, boys and girls, who become drawn to and trapped by SEM.
We lean heavily into a book by Ted Shimer, entitled “The Freedom Fight”, for our examination of the SEM waters and the routes that lead to freedom and healing. The teachings can be structured around the schedule that best suits the venue: a single workshop of 2 to 3 hours duration, three 1-hours sessions held on consecutive days, or a series of events schedule over three weeks.
If you are a parent or a sibling or a friend (which means everyone), we encourage you to check out this powerful content. Videos of our latest offering of this series are available on our Videos page.
Additional Programs & Services
Redeemed Seasons provides resources and training in a variety of forms and formats on key topics involved in emotional healing and relational brokenness:
Short briefings for leadership teams and elder boards
Half-day and full-day workshops for church staffs and small group leaders
Sermons and congregational teachings for larger groups
Resource and referral catalogs for outside service and support ministries
Redeemed Seasons will customize the content of each equipping program to meet the unique needs of the group in attendance. We can also expand or contract the content to cover the full spectrum of settings from multi-day conferences to partial-day workshops. We offer a “cafeteria approach” to the material, constructing the program offering to accommodate the time available for the training and the areas of content the organizers wish to cover.
For more information on the training/equipping services offered by Redeemed Seasons or to discuss your unique training needs in the area of emotional healing, please contact Mark or Christy Summers of Redeemed Seasons at (719) 347-1840.