Rescue & Restoring: The Journey with Jesus to Embrace Our Transformed Heart
Rescue & Restoring is a 12-part video discipleship experience, designed to help individuals engage intentionally in their own developing story of redemption and pursue more actively the peace and freedom that comes through a relationship with Jesus.
Regardless of our stories, regardless of the depth of wounding we have experienced, Jesus promises that we can move toward wholeness with and through Him. Redeemed Seasons’ Rescue & Restoring video series is designed for and directed to Christian men and women who are seeking the freedom and wholeness Jesus offers.
This discipleship experience supports individuals wherever they are in their healing journey with Jesus, so they can achieve freedom from the effects of brokenness that lead to unhealthy and unwise relational and sexual choices. The Rescue & Restoring video lessons and contemplative exercises invite Christian men and women to recognize and release the lies about themselves and about God that stand in the way of the transformed life that Jesus offers. Whether you struggle with unwanted same-sex attraction, gender confusion, infidelity, promiscuity, pornography or emotional dependency, or you are in close relationship with someone who struggles in these areas, this series is designed to be an onramp to your personal journey of healing and redemption with Jesus.
We are offering this no-subscription access to the first Session of the 12-part Rescue & Restoring video series. Please check out this first video and prayerfully consider whether the Holy Spirit is calling you to engage in a journey of healing with Jesus.
Rescue & Restoring Frequently Asked Questions
The video for Session 1 of Rescue & Restoring is available on this page. The other videos are available through the Redeemed Seasons subscriptions section of the website. Please click on the “Subscriptions” menu item at the top of the screen to learn more about the membership options, the components of the Rescue & Restoring program, and the costs involved.
Rescue & Restoring covers the following growth topics in the video teaching sessions and audio contemplative exercises:
Session 1 - What am I looking for, and why am I here? In this first lesson, we examine the work that Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, is doing in our individual stories. We explore the movements of our hearts that have caused us to acknowledge our need to seek more of Him in order to find the kind of life we are looking for.
Session 2 - What did God have in mind when He made me? In this second lesson, we dive into God’s design for human nature and human relationship. We are all, men and women, image bearers of our Creator, so we examine the aspects of God’s nature and character that He infused in us as men and as women. We also consider how God anticipated men and women would operate in relationships and in community with each other.
Session 3 - How did I become such a mess? Using the metaphor of constructing a house, we consider God’s design for building the “house” of our individual selves, including who our builders have been and what building materials they use. We explore how we try to complete our own houses in unhealthy ways when the right materials for construction are lacking or when our builders fail in their tasks.
Session 4 - Why do I feel so defeated and hopeless? In this lesson, we look at our image of God and expose the enemy’s strategy of using lies about God and lies about ourselves to keep us in bondage. We identify the formative role our parents play in key aspects of our development and how their brokenness can be used by the enemy to beat us down. We look for God in the midst of the assaults on our selves.
Session 5 - Can Jesus really fix me? In this fifth week, we unpack what God says about Himself and His relationship with each one of us. We engage with Jesus’s own words about how He and the Father love us and about how They see us and treasure who They designed and intended us to be. We express and embrace the truths that God and Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, speak about us. Conversely, we identify and reject the lies that have kept us from realizing and walking out the goodness of God’s image created in each of us.
Session 6 - What good is the Cross to me? Our rescue hinges on the application of the Cross of Jesus in our stories. This lesson explains how Christ’s death on the cross gives us a way to unburden ourselves of the weight of our own sins and the sins that have been committed against us. We learn how confession, forgiveness and the Cross of Jesus introduce true freedom into our stories.
Session 7 - What does God expect of me? In week seven, we take on the issue of rules. Is our walk of faith just about following the rules? It is not, and in this lesson we address how our relationship with Jesus works, what it looks like, and how the Holy Spirit engages with us. We discuss the ways our relationship with God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - impacts, in concrete and practical ways, the development of our stories from this point forward.
Session 8 - What have I been worshiping? In this lesson, we examine idolatry: what are the things in our lives and in our stories that we put ahead of God and ahead of our relationship with God? We learn to identify and begin to release our idols.
Session 9 - What do I do about temptation? In this lesson, we define and explore temptation: what it is and how we respond to it successfully.
Session 10 - How do I make different choices? This lesson on choices is, again, not about following the rules. Instead, we examine how discernment works. . .how we involve the triune God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - in the choices we face in our lives, both big choices and little choices. We learn how to begin making good choices by engaging the Holy Spirit in our process of identifying options and then in our final choosing of the option to pursue.
Session 11 - Why can’t I go it alone? In week eleven, we examine the role of relationships, the church and community in our stories of growth and healing with Jesus. Jesus uses other people and His Church in very powerful ways in our lives, and we talk through how we make ourselves available to those ways in order to gain the greatest blessing that He and the Father have for us.
Session 12 - What are my next steps? In our final gathering, we acknowledge that the journey with Jesus is all about the process; it is not a destination. We talk about how we embrace the process and what next steps in our stories with Jesus might look like.
In-person group: All things considered, an in-person group is the richest and most impactful context for experiencing Rescue & Restoring. The basic structure for an in-person group involves coming together in a common location, watching a session video together, experiencing the contemplative exercise as a group, then splitting up into leader-facilitated male and female breakout groups for small group discussion of the session content and your individual journey of healing with Jesus. The breakout groups include leader-guided prayer for each individual. The breakout groups typically include 3-6 persons. If you are interested in an in-person group and live in the Colorado Springs area, please reach out to Redeemed Seasons via email or by phone. If you’d like your local church to lead an in-person group, encourage your church to reach out to Redeemed Seasons.
Virtual group: The virtual group is also a rich and impactful way to experience Rescue & Restoring. In a virtual group, the group participants will view the session videos on their own, and then at the designated meeting time, they will gather via Zoom or in some other online meeting environment. The group leader will offer a short overview of the session video content and then lead a short group discussion of reactions to the session. The whole group will experience the contemplative exercise and then break up into male and female breakout sessions for leader-guided discussion of the session content and your individual journey of healing with Jesus. The breakout groups include leader-guided prayer for each individual. The breakout groups typically include 3-6 persons. If you are interested in attending a virtual group, please reach out to Redeemed Seasons via email or by phone.
As a couple: Going through the Rescue & Restoring content with one’s spouse can be a very bonding and productive healing experience. Whether you watch the videos separately or together, we recommend coming together afterwards to talk through your reactions to the content and how the content relates to your experiences as a couple. We recommend doing the contemplative exercises together and sharing your experiences with one another. Redeemed Seasons can provide one-on-one or couple-to-couple spiritual direction to help unpack your reactions to the video content and to facilitate your processing around the work that the Holy Spirit is doing in you and in your spouse through the Rescue & Restoring experience. If you are interested in doing spiritual direction along with the R&R content, please reach out to Redeemed Seasons via email or by phone.
Solo: Finally, the Rescue & Restoring experience can be productive and rewarding as a solo undertaking. After you watch the session videos, we recommend using the Contemplative Workbook to journal about your reactions to the content and to document how the content relates to your personal story. We recommend you also journal around the contemplative exercises. Redeemed Seasons can provide individual spiritual direction to help unpack your reactions to the video content and to facilitate your processing around the work that the Holy Spirit is doing in you through the Rescue & Restoring experience. If you are interested in doing spiritual direction, please reach out to Redeemed Seasons via email or by phone.
Personal Subscription: Individual access to all elements of the Rescue & Restoring content, including the videos, the contemplative exercise audio recordings, and the pages from the Contemplative Workbook, are available through a no-cost subscription on the Redeemed Seasons website. Although we offer the program at no cost to individuals, we strongly encourage those who engage with Rescue & Restoring to prayerfully consider supporting the work of Redeemed Seasons through a donation to the ministry. Your support for Redeemed Seasons enables us to continue providing this content and supporting individuals in their healing journey through one-on-one care and spiritual direction.
If a ministry or church wishes to sponsor and lead a Rescue & Restoring group (or groups), the organization can contact Redeemed Seasons about a group membership which gives the ministry or church the right to use the video and audio content in a small group context, plus print the session content from the Contemplative Workbook.
Contemplative Workbook: The Contemplative Workbook that accompanies the Rescue & Restoring video and audio content is available in pdf format along with the individual lessons. In addition, for those who would like a printed and bound version of the workbook, they are available for purchase through the Redeemed Seasons website for a price of $25.00 per workbook. This price includes domestic US shipping costs.